The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics ( SIAM) will designate one Outstanding team from each problem as a SIAM winner. 将从每个赛题所有的参赛队中选出一个特别优秀的参赛队作为SIAM的优胜奖。
Society for industrial and applied mathematics. 产业与应用数学协会。
To cultivate the capability for solving Industrial Engineering problems by application of Mathematics and professional knowledge. 具备数学及专业知识解决工业工程问题之能力。
Considering the two variables: the total package industrial output and the gross national product, the paper describes them as mathematics regression equation and also points out that it is much more convenient to analyse the interaction between them. 本文将包装工业总产值与国民生产总值两个变量之间的变动关系加以模型化,求出回归方程,以便对包装工业的发展与国民经济发展的相互影响程度进行分析。
The study on the evolution of industrial organization is a rather new and advanced topic, the theoretical supports of which include mainstream economics, organizational management science, evolutionary economics, complex system theory, mathematics and evolutionary biology. 产业组织演化研究是一个前沿课题。需要跨学科的理论支撑,包括主流经济学、组织管理学、复杂系统理论、演化经济学、进化生物学等。
Balance and stable, which is one of the industrial design aesthetics principles, has been processed quantitatively, fuzzy mathematics theory is used in the evaluation, and fuzzy evaluation conclusion on the stability of NC machine was given. 对工业设计美学原则均衡与稳定作了定量化处理,并将模糊数学引入到评价中,对机床的稳定性给出模糊评价结论。
Spears and components, which is in direct relation to men in NC machine industrial design, are processed quantitatively according to Men Machine Engineering rule, fuzzy mathematics theory is used in the evaluation, and fuzzy evaluation conclusion on the pleasant feature of NC machine was given. 针对NC机床工业设计中与人直接发生关系的机床零部件按人机工程学规则作了定量化处理,并将模糊数学引入到评价中,对机床的宜人性给出模糊评价结论。
The evaluation methods of the industrial internation competitiveness, including the fuzzy mathematics evaluation method and the DEA, etc.; applied research. 6. 产业国际竞争力的评价方法,包括模糊数学统计方法和数据包络分析等;实证研究。
With the increasing widely applications, it not only have been widely used in industrial but also closely related with basic math, such as algebraic geometry, differential equation, combinatorial mathematics, discrete geometry and so on. 它的应用范围也在不断地扩大,不仅在工业上得到了广泛的应用,同时,样条与一些基础数学,如代数几何、离散几何、微分方程、组合数学等领域,亦有着密切联系。